March 14, 2025
Financial Assets

How Phoenix Lender Services Is Helping Banks Crack the SBA Loan Market

Apple, FedEx and Oracle all got loans guaranteed by the Small Business Administration. But rules and red tape keep many banks from making SBA loans. Chris Hurn aims to change that. By Brandon Kochkodin, Forbes Staff Small Business Administration loans are a great deal. They are federally guaranteed, profitable for banks, and a boon to

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Intangible Assets

Street Vendors Rally: Hundreds gather at NYC’s City Hall calling for new bill to ease licensing process for street vendors

LOWER MANHATTAN (WABC) — Hundreds of street vendors rallied at City Hall on Thursday for a new set of bills to make it easier for people to obtain a license to become a legal vendor. The “Street Vendor Reform Platform” is a package of bills designed to provide a regulated, predictable, enforceable system for New

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Fixed Assets

Terripin Farms in Quincy hit by burglars, $15,000 in equipment and cash stolen

QUINCY, Ill. (KHQA) — Between late Monday night to early Tuesday morning, one or more people burglarized Terripin Farms in Quincy. An estimated $15,000 worth of equipment and money was stolen. Items stolen include cash registers, card readers, lock boxes and a safe, but no merchandise appears to have been taken. The thieves cut the

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