January 19, 2025
Operating Assets

NSTGQ (NS Wind Down Co) Cash, Cash Equivalents, Marketable

What is NS Wind Down Co Cash, Cash Equivalents, Marketable Securities?

NS Wind Down Co‘s quarterly cash, cash equivalents, marketable securities


from Mar. 2023 ($154.64 Mil) to Jun. 2023 ($117.60 Mil) but then

stayed the same

from Jun. 2023 ($117.60 Mil) to Sep. 2023 ($97.10 Mil).

NS Wind Down Co‘s annual cash, cash equivalents, marketable securities


from Dec. 2020 ($440.73 Mil) to Dec. 2021 ($348.89 Mil) and


from Dec. 2021 ($348.89 Mil) to Dec. 2022 ($196.53 Mil).

NS Wind Down Co Cash, Cash Equivalents, Marketable Securities Historical Data

The historical data trend for NS Wind Down Co‘s Cash, Cash Equivalents, Marketable Securities can be seen below:

* For Operating Data section: All numbers are indicated by the unit behind each term and all currency related amount are in USD.
* For other sections: All numbers are in millions except for per share data, ratio, and percentage. All currency related amount are indicated in the company’s associated stock exchange currency.

NS Wind Down Co Cash, Cash Equivalents, Marketable Securities Chart

NS Wind Down Co Annual Data
Trend Dec13 Dec14 Dec15 Dec16 Dec17 Dec18 Dec19 Dec20 Dec21 Dec22
Cash, Cash Equivalents, Marketable Securities
Get a 7-Day Free Trial
Premium Member Only Premium Member Only 94.00 156.86 440.73 348.89 196.53

NS Wind Down Co Cash, Cash Equivalents, Marketable Securities Calculation

Cash and cash equivalents are the most liquid assets on the balance sheet. Cash equivalents are assets that are readily convertible into cash, such as money market holdings, short-term government bonds or Treasury bills, marketable securities and commercial paper.

Marketable Securities are very liquid securities that can be converted into cash quickly at a reasonable price.

NS Wind Down Co  (OTCPK:NSTGQ) Cash, Cash Equivalents, Marketable Securities Explanation

Marketable securities are very liquid as they tend to have maturities of less than one year. Furthermore, the rate at which these securities can be bought or sold has little effect on their prices.

A high number means either:

1) The company has competitive advantage generating lots of cash

2) Just sold a business or bonds (not necessarily good)

A low stockpile of cash usually means poor to mediocre economics.

There are 3 ways to create large cash reserve.

1) Sell new bonds or equity to public

2) Sell business or asset

3) It has an ongoing business generating more cash than it burns (usually means durable competitive advantage)

When a company is suffering a short term problem, Buffett looks at cash or marketable securities to see whether it has the financial strength to ride it out.

Important: Lots of cash and marketable securities + little debt = good chance that the business will sail on through tough times.

Test to see what is creating cash by looking at past 7 yrs of balance sheets. This will reveal how the cash was created.

NS Wind Down Co Cash, Cash Equivalents, Marketable Securities Related Terms

Thank you for viewing the detailed overview of NS Wind Down Co’s Cash, Cash Equivalents, Marketable Securities provided by GuruFocus.com. Please click on the following links to see related term pages.

NS Wind Down Co Business Description

Traded in Other Exchanges



530 Fairview Avenue North, Seattle, WA, USA, 98109

NanoString Technologies Inc is engaged in the development, manufacturing and commercialization of instruments, consumables, and services for efficiently profiling the activity of hundreds of genes and proteins simultaneously from a single tissue sample. Its core technology includes proprietary chemistries that enable the labeling and counting of single molecules. The firm uses its technology to develop tools for scientific and clinical research, primarily in the fields of genomics and proteomics. It offers two product platforms such as nCounter Analysis System or nCounter, and GeoMx Digital Spatial Profiler or DSP system both include instruments, related consumables, and software. NanoString Technologies generates revenue from the sale of products and related services and collaborations.


Jonathan Todd Garland officer: Chief Commercial Officer C/O CYTEK BIOSCIENCES, INC., 47215 LAKEVIEW BOULEVARD, FREMONT CA 94538
K Thomas Bailey officer: Chief Financial Officer 1618 STATION STREET, VANCOUVER A1 V6A 1B6
R Bradley Gray director, officer: President and CEO 530 FAIRVIEW AVENUE NORTH, SUITE 2000, SEATTLE WA 98109
William Young director 14 CAMBRIDGE CENTER, CAMBRIDGE MA 02142
Waite Charles P Jr director, 10 percent owner 11023 NE 116TH STREET, KIRKLAND WA 98034
Gregory Norden director 16640 CHESTERFIELD GROVE DRIVE, SUITE 200, CHESTERFIELD MO 63005
Elisha W Finney director C/O VARIAN MEDICAL SYSTEMS, INC, 3100 HANSEN WAY M/S E-327, PALO ALTO CA 94304
Teresa M. Foy director 530 FAIRVIEW AVENUE NORTH, SEATTLE WA 98109
Joseph M Beechem officer: SVP, Research & Development 530 FAIRVIEW AVENUE NORTH, SUITE 2000, SEATTLE WA 98109
John D. Gerace officer: Chief Commercial Officer C/O NANOSTRING TECHNOLOGIES, INC., 530 FAIRVIEW AVENUE NORTH, SEATTLE WA 98109
Kirk Malloy director 5200 ILLUMINA WAY, SAN DIEGO CA 92122
J. Chad Brown officer: SVP, Sales & Marketing 530 FAIRVIEW AVENUE NORTH, SEATTLE WA 98109
Robert Hershberg director 3005 FIRST AVENUE, SEATTLE WA 98121
Janet George director 530 FAIRVIEW AVENUE NORTH, SEATTLE WA 98109
Dana E. Rollison director 530 FAIRVIEW AVENUE NORTH, SEATTLE WA 98109

NS Wind Down Co Headlines

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