February 8, 2025
Operating Assets

Major development plans submitted for flats in Ipswich

Ipswich Borough Council has received plans to create a series of one and two bed flats on a site on the corner of Ranelagh Road and Princes Street Bridge.

The site had previously been the subject of an application to build a 100 bed hotel which was granted planning permission in 2017 but never progressed.

The plans comprise of three separate and distinct blocks that are “high quality and contemporary”, with developers saying it will enable the vacant site to evolve to meet modern requirements.

At ground floor level a riverside walk has been incorporated to the rear of one of the blocks. 

Where the work would be doneWhere the work would be done (Image: Google Maps)

Provisions have been made for secure and accessible cycle and refuse storage areas alongside 20 parking spaces. 

In total, two commercial units built, and the 111 flats will be a mixture of one or two bed flats catering for between one and four people.

Some flats will have a balcony over looking the river.

The developer had reduced the number of flats from a pre application proposal to create 152 flats.

The planning application said: “Although this was well received by the design panel, it was felt that the wider public may not accept a tower on the corner of Princes Street and Ranelagh Road.”

Where the work would be doneWhere the work would be done (Image: Google Maps)

The documents state: “The proposal will facilitate significant investment in internal and external landscaping and public realm enhancements that will allow the site to contribute positively to the visual character and appearance of the Railway Station, Princes Street corridor, wider Portman Quarter and Town Centre.”

They also state that the scheme will “provide much needed new housing for the local community whilst enabling an efficient, effective use of the site”.

Ipswich Borough Council will discuss the plans in due course.

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