March 11, 2025
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Tragedies: Prevalence of machinery and agricultural-related deaths laid bare

THE LATE BOBBY Richardson went for his customary two pints in Ahern’s pub on Sunday evening, August 11.

The drystock farmer was in two minds about going due to the thunder and lightning but once it cleared he went to the bar in Ballymackeogh, Newport to mark his 68th birthday.

It was to be Mr Richardson’s last visit to Ahern’s as he tragically passed away on the following Tuesday after a bull attack on his farm in Killeenagarriff, Lisnagry. His bar stool was left empty on Sunday night. 

The prevalence of machinery and agricultural-related deaths in Ireland is reflected by the fact that the proprietor of the pub, Teresa Ahern, lost her husband in an accident nine years ago. John Ahern died while working on a vintage lorry on September 2, 2015.

The Leader contacted Ms Ahern as she knew Bobby and has gone through the grief, shock and sadness that the Richardson family is now experiencing from the sudden death of a loved one.

“Bobby was a lovely man. He used to hand down the drinks every Sunday night to the card players to give me a hand. 

“He’s coming to us a good while. He’d be at the counter talking to William Ryan. He was a very nice man. It’s terrible. He would have known John (Ahern) very well,” said Ms Ahern.

Mr Richardson was a quiet man but very sociable and popular.

“We’ll all miss Bobby,” said Ms Ahern, who extended her sympathies, and those of her clients, to Mr Richardson’s family and friends.

She said following the loss of her husband her long-standing customers helped to ease the loneliness and cheer her up. Mr Richardson was one of her loyal clientele who did just that.

Mr Richardson was laid to rest in Killeenagarriff Cemetery, which he used to look after, on Saturday, August 17 following Requiem Mass in St Patrick’s Church, Ahane.

The large volume of mourners who paid their respects at his son Martin’s home on Friday and at the church and grave on Saturday reflected the respect and esteem with which the Richardson and Collins families are held.

He is sadly missed by his loving wife Joan, sons Henry and Martin, daughter Bríd and their partners Martina, Sinéad and Harry, grandson Harry and granddaughter Winnie, brothers George and Noel, sisters Mary, Rebecca and Teresa. brothers in law, sisters in law, nephews, nieces, cousins, neighbours, relations and friends.

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Minister of State Kieran O’Donnell said there has been a huge outpouring of both shock and loss from communities in Ahane, Lisnagry, Castleconnell, Murroe and further afield.

“I knew Bobby for a good number of years and his wife and family. My sympathies to his wife and family on this huge loss for them. Bobby was very well known and very well liked. He was  a great farmer and real community man.

“I came in contact with him through Killeenagarriff graveyard which he looked after. He was a particularly nice man and is a huge loss. May he rest in peace,” said Mr O’Donnell.

Many have expressed their sympathies to the Richardson family on following their tragic loss.

“So sorry to hear the devastating news of your dear Bobby’s passing. We are all heartbroken for you. Words cannot express the sadness we feel for you all. 

“May you get strength from each other to get through the dark days ahead. The bed of heaven to his gentle soul,” wrote one.

Former councillor John Egan, from nearby Murroe and a fellow farmer, expressed his condolences to the Richardson family on Bobby’s passing.

One man said he worked with Bobby in a number of places and he was “a pure gentleman”.

Another mourner wrote, “Bobby was a kind, gentle soul and will be fondly remembered in our community”.

May he rest in peace.

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